About the Order
As President of the University of California, Benjamin Ide Wheeler commented that he had never been to a place where so much energy was loose and going to waste. Following the encouragement of President Wheeler and English Department Chairman Charles Mills Gayley, a group of students led by Victor Hendricks Henderson developed the concept for the Order of The Golden Bear and assembled the first meeting in the spring of 1900.
President Wheeler was interested in the Order because it created a forum in which student leaders could gather and discuss problems and issues of common interest. One of Wheeler’s goals as President was to refocus students to support what he called “The Greater University.” The Order, through its non-partisan discussions, was to be a mechanism for accomplishing this. The intent of the Order was to be, and still remains, a gathering of students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni in one room as equals to engage in frank, tolerant and confidential discussions about issues that relate to student life at the University.
Now in its second century of serving the University, the Order is one of the oldest active organizations of students at the University of California, and one of the few groups substantially unchanged from its original purpose and activities. The Order has persisted through challenging eras including the difficult financial times of the Great Depression, global wars and pandemics, and even the days of student unrest in the 1960s when interest in “traditional” University organizations waned.
Throughout its early history the Order admitted only senior men – and the occasional male professor, administrator, or alumnus – to membership, or “fellowship.” Other student organizations – Winged Helmet, Prytanean, and Mortarboard – accommodated junior men, senior women, and junior women, respectively. Since 1972, the fellowship has been comprised of leaders from almost every dimension of the University community regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, religion, age, or social or political ideology.
Active fellowship in the Order is considered a service to the University. In fact, for many decades the letter that each initiate received upon election was entitled a “Call to the Service of the University” and still today, each new Fellow has been "called to the service of the University." Fellows provide this service by giving their time to participate in meetings with fellow University leaders to discuss difficult issues. By listening and actively participating, Fellows are then better prepared to make informed choices regarding their individual actions in their respective spheres of influence within the University, and to help enlighten others within the University community. The Order itself takes no votes or actions on the issues discussed. It exists to provide a frank, tolerant and confidential environment for brave and difficult discussions, not for advocacy, activism, or policymaking.